LM Comment: Some thoughts about the direction of marketing in 2009, and beyond.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Papa John's Not Impressed With iPhone App As Marketing Tool
LM Comment: Despite the hype evidently the iPhone is not always the answer.
May 1, 2009: summarized from mocoNews.net -- Whoa. A company not that impressed with the performance of its iPhone app? Like many other marketers, pizza chain Papa John's took a look around, and after being "bombarded" by mobile companies telling them that such a move would help take their business to the next level, it launched an iPhone app last year. But as it turns out, Papa John's isn't too impressed with the app which lets iPhone users find nearby Papa John outlets and gives them a shortcut to connect to the main mobile site where they can order a pizza.
According to Media Post, which covered an iPhone apps panel at the OMMA Mobile conference, in terms of mobile marketing, Papa John's hasn't seen anything that has really "delivered for us" as well as mobile display advertising. Moreover, the lack of business the iPhone app is driving to it has made the pizza chain rethink building apps for other devices, such as the Blackberry and the Pre among others. Papa John's marketing manager for emerging channels Jim McDonnell said, "We haven't seen numbers that really made us think we need to be everywhere else yet."
Full story at: http://tinyurl.com/djmdbp
The Growing Popularity Of Online Games
April 30, 2009: summarized from Online Media Daily -- Recently the GSN Games Network conducted a research report on the online games industry in conjunction with their network sites including GreatDayGames.com, CrazyMonkeyGames, iWin, Gamesville and Teagames. Nearly 1,500 responses were collected in December 2008 and January in an online survey about online game preferences and attitudes. The final research results highlighted some interesting stats and facts regarding how people are playing and using online games on a daily basis.
What does this potentially mean for marketers interested in deploying games to help drive brand engagement? How can games help increase brand awareness and customer loyalty? Below are some key statistics and insights regarding consumer online game play habits that can help marketers use online gaming to their advantage.
Relaxation and Stimulation are Key Reasons for Playing Free Online Games
Not surprising, people are playing games to relax and also stimulate their minds. More than 60% of respondents play online games daily and spend more than 11 hours a week playing. In addition, the top three reasons for playing free online games include taking a break or relaxing, stimulating the brain and relieving stress. If an advertiser uses games to communicate a brand message, keep game play simple and easy to understand. Difficult games that require a lot of instruction can be confusing and drive people away. Not surprisingly, the research showed that puzzle, word and card games, which are some of the easiest games to play, are preferred.
Evening Time is Fun Time for Game Players
The research also revealed that the most popular time of day for game play is in the evening after dinner. Beginning at about 6 p.m., users start playing games, with play typically dropping off around midnight. This is true for weekdays and weekends as well. Marketers can usually expect their peak game play during this time and any bonus promotions or special messaging might reach the largest audience then.
Online Gamers Find Free Online Gaming More Stimulating Than Watching TV
The Internet has solidified itself as a key part of the overall media mix. 49% of respondents stated that they get more satisfaction out of playing free online games than out of watching TV and 59% stated that playing free online games is their favorite online activity.
Gamers Have Accepted Advertising As Part Of The Gaming Experience
More than 50% of people felt that being able to play games online for free in exchange for watching some advertising is a great deal. Site visitors recognize that free online content is often supported by advertisers and see this as an acceptable practice. Pre or post roll banner ads and/or interstitials are accepted practices in the online world. Custom advergames that integrate an advertiser's message into game play are also a great way to communicate your message while appealing to a player's need for relaxation, stress relief and stimulation.
Full story at: http://tinyurl.com/d4akj5
What does this potentially mean for marketers interested in deploying games to help drive brand engagement? How can games help increase brand awareness and customer loyalty? Below are some key statistics and insights regarding consumer online game play habits that can help marketers use online gaming to their advantage.
Relaxation and Stimulation are Key Reasons for Playing Free Online Games
Not surprising, people are playing games to relax and also stimulate their minds. More than 60% of respondents play online games daily and spend more than 11 hours a week playing. In addition, the top three reasons for playing free online games include taking a break or relaxing, stimulating the brain and relieving stress. If an advertiser uses games to communicate a brand message, keep game play simple and easy to understand. Difficult games that require a lot of instruction can be confusing and drive people away. Not surprisingly, the research showed that puzzle, word and card games, which are some of the easiest games to play, are preferred.
Evening Time is Fun Time for Game Players
The research also revealed that the most popular time of day for game play is in the evening after dinner. Beginning at about 6 p.m., users start playing games, with play typically dropping off around midnight. This is true for weekdays and weekends as well. Marketers can usually expect their peak game play during this time and any bonus promotions or special messaging might reach the largest audience then.
Online Gamers Find Free Online Gaming More Stimulating Than Watching TV
The Internet has solidified itself as a key part of the overall media mix. 49% of respondents stated that they get more satisfaction out of playing free online games than out of watching TV and 59% stated that playing free online games is their favorite online activity.
Gamers Have Accepted Advertising As Part Of The Gaming Experience
More than 50% of people felt that being able to play games online for free in exchange for watching some advertising is a great deal. Site visitors recognize that free online content is often supported by advertisers and see this as an acceptable practice. Pre or post roll banner ads and/or interstitials are accepted practices in the online world. Custom advergames that integrate an advertiser's message into game play are also a great way to communicate your message while appealing to a player's need for relaxation, stress relief and stimulation.
Full story at: http://tinyurl.com/d4akj5
The Middle Age of Social Media
LM Comment: Yet another poll showing that Internet/social media is not just for kids anymore.
April 27, 2009: summarized from AdweekMedia -- In the Internet era, we've come to expect that young adults will quickly embrace new technologies and applications. It's more surprising when not-so-young adults get into the act en masse. That's what's happening with social networking, though, as is clear from the findings of a Harris Poll conducted for AdweekMedia among online adults.
As the polling found, lots of certifiably middle-age people not only have Facebook or MySpace accounts but update them often. Asked whether they have a Facebook or MySpace account, 41 percent of 45-54-year-olds and 24 percent of those 55-plus said they do. So did 47 percent of the 35-44s and 74 percent of the 18-34s.
Ten percent of the 45-54s and 3 percent of those 55-plus said they update those accounts at least once a day. Twenty-nine percent of the 18-34s and 17 percent of the 35-44s said the same.
Twittering remains a niche activity across the age spectrum. Eight percent of the 18-34s said they use Twitter, as did 7 percent of the 35-44s, 4 percent of the 45-54s and 1 percent of those 55-plus. The poll's small base of Twitter initiates was split on whether it would be acceptable for Twitter to accept ads in order "to turn a profit." Forty-five percent said this would be a good idea (including 13 percent saying "very good"); 55 percent considered it a bad idea (19 percent "very bad").
The poll (fielded at the end of March and beginning of April) also asked whether social-networking sites threaten the likes of Google and Yahoo. Given a batch of statements and asked to pick the one that best matches their own view, 9 percent said sites like Facebook and MySpace "are becoming so dominant that they may become a real threat to search sites like Google or Yahoo." While agreeing that social-networking sites "are very popular," 45 percent said "they will never pose any real threat to the domination of search sites such as Google or Yahoo." A plurality, 46 percent, chose the answer "not at all sure," an indication that this topic is less than a matter of urgency for the mass of consumers.
Full story at: http://tinyurl.com/dn6zlq
April 27, 2009: summarized from AdweekMedia -- In the Internet era, we've come to expect that young adults will quickly embrace new technologies and applications. It's more surprising when not-so-young adults get into the act en masse. That's what's happening with social networking, though, as is clear from the findings of a Harris Poll conducted for AdweekMedia among online adults.
As the polling found, lots of certifiably middle-age people not only have Facebook or MySpace accounts but update them often. Asked whether they have a Facebook or MySpace account, 41 percent of 45-54-year-olds and 24 percent of those 55-plus said they do. So did 47 percent of the 35-44s and 74 percent of the 18-34s.
Ten percent of the 45-54s and 3 percent of those 55-plus said they update those accounts at least once a day. Twenty-nine percent of the 18-34s and 17 percent of the 35-44s said the same.
Twittering remains a niche activity across the age spectrum. Eight percent of the 18-34s said they use Twitter, as did 7 percent of the 35-44s, 4 percent of the 45-54s and 1 percent of those 55-plus. The poll's small base of Twitter initiates was split on whether it would be acceptable for Twitter to accept ads in order "to turn a profit." Forty-five percent said this would be a good idea (including 13 percent saying "very good"); 55 percent considered it a bad idea (19 percent "very bad").
The poll (fielded at the end of March and beginning of April) also asked whether social-networking sites threaten the likes of Google and Yahoo. Given a batch of statements and asked to pick the one that best matches their own view, 9 percent said sites like Facebook and MySpace "are becoming so dominant that they may become a real threat to search sites like Google or Yahoo." While agreeing that social-networking sites "are very popular," 45 percent said "they will never pose any real threat to the domination of search sites such as Google or Yahoo." A plurality, 46 percent, chose the answer "not at all sure," an indication that this topic is less than a matter of urgency for the mass of consumers.
Full story at: http://tinyurl.com/dn6zlq
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