Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mobile Marketing Association’s Forecast For 2010 In North America

LM Comment: Which of these will you try out in 2010?

December 30, 2009: summarized from Mobile Marketing Watch -- It’s the time of the year when every research company and industry organization puts out a prediction for what’s to come in 2010. The Mobile Marketing Association this month put out a list of 10 industry predictions for mobile marketing in North America for the coming year.

What do you think about these predictions from MMA for 2010?

10. Mobile Healthcare
9. Real Time Mobile Coupons
8. Mobile TV
7. Texting Limitations
6. Mobile Barcodes
5. Aggregators Will Be Key
4. Free GPS
3. Mobile Skype
2. New Ways to Measure Mobile Marketing Success
1. Mobile’s Eyes and Ears

Read more at: http://bit.ly/5vi11h

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